February 6, 2025

Prime Electrolite

Transforming Health

Street Children, Their Vulnerability and Sustainability

Street Children, Their Vulnerability and Sustainability

Street children are those who are hopeless, frustrated and homeless and who pass their lives erratically, here and there without having any particular whereabouts. They have no fundamental rights like food, shelter and clothing to survive on Earth. They somehow manage their lives based on the kindness of the people. They live from hand to mouth. They pass aimless life like a ship without radar. They have no demands for education and health service because of their helplessness in view of their no particular identity of the society.

Street children don’t have any idea about their future. They don’t have any particular job. They are generally found beside the slums, rivers, markets, rail stations and around the airports. Sometimes they are found in the middle of the town begging and asking for food or money sometimes in the name of god or sometimes expressing their sorrowful attitude in respect of their physical disability. They are found sleeping at night in the corner of the road under miserable conditions. They are found sometimes crying to get into the bus for begging from person to person, if the people are found kind hearted, they may give some money. They make their best efforts to survive somehow on Earth. Sometimes they fall in accident while moving to and fro along the streets. They don’t know the traffic rules even they don’t pass through zebra crossing. For this reason, they occasionally are found to be seriously wounded by the peoples while plying over the roads. In many times they are found to cry and make shouts for pains in their physical organs. The law enforcing agency sometimes picks them up in their vans and drops their body in the medical centers. As the street children have no ability to give the fees of the doctors, the doctors ignore them. And do not take care of them by providing necessary aids. Such street children emanate as motherless child and orphan. In many times, the original parents leave them for wants of sufficient resources to feed and bring up them. Many people who are religious minded may sometimes take them to an orphanage or to any missionary rehabilitation centre. Here, street children are brought up, grown up and are considered as the citizen of the nation. This happens in rare case. In major portion, street children are helpless and pass much distorted life. Sometimes, they are found thieving the goods from the shops, markets and even from the houses of the people. Sometimes, they are found to hide themselves from the police, sometimes they are found arrested and are sentenced imprisonment. In this way they spend their lives in the jail. In real life situation, if they are caught by the civilian people, they are immorally tortured mentally and physically. Even, if they are found while in pick pocketing or snatching mobile phones or wrist watch, they are caught by agitated people and they are beaten mercilessly. Consequently, if they are found alive, they are sent to the local police station for further prosecution against pick pocketing and thieving. Their lives at night are very much heart-rending as they have no shelter to sleep at night; they have to face rainfalls and any natural disaster without getting any means for survival.

Street children need to be put in rehabilitation as they may be treated as the future backbone of nation. In this respect the society and the government should come forward to provide necessary ways and means so that they may raise their heads in bright day light in healthy life of society. The government should chalk out plunge to settle them by providing food, shelter and clothing. Not only that, they should provide supports for education and health care. The government can also make plans to set up rehabilitation centers in different divisions, districts and other high level sectors. There should be a set up of a monitoring cell to identify the number of street children. Street children maybe identified by allocating an index number. The respective centers should specify their fundamental needs like food, shelter and clothing and other needs like education and health services; this will be dealt in on behalf of the state parties who will allocate funds for this purpose. The rehabilitation centers need to provide logistic support so that the street children can raise their heads like other good citizen of the country. We are conversant that the street children are lying scattered here and there. They are being mentally tortured and physically injured every time by the people who find them being involved in socially immoral activities. Even the government can establish refund centers in order to amend their draw backs in their lives. If we look around the world, we will find that there are unlimited number of institutes and rehabilitation centers where the street children are being developed mentally and physically. In such institutes the molding of character of the children are prioritized and in every spare of education equal importance on moral as well as academic studies Our responsibility is to find out the street children and send them to the rehabilitation centers where they would receive better treatment. Even we can send them to an orphanage where the children are provided with food, shelter and clothing with better health care and education. We should not behave with them rudely rather we should be kind hearted so that they are developed mentally and physically to promote their standard of living. It is a matter of great regret that the street children are dealing miserable life; there are a lot of magnanimous people who had established different missionary school, hospitals and children amendment centers. Madam Teresa was one of the personalities who had established more than four thousand centers. In those centers, the children from different countries and from every nook and corners of the world, even from other parts of outside India take education and learn good conducts. They promote themselves and are enlightened in the field of moral and spiritual education.

There is no denying the fact, money is lost, and nothing is lost. Health is lost, something is lost. But character is lost then everything is lost. We should consider the street children like our children and as such we should not neglect them in no circumstances. In our present society, we should emphasize them towards molding their moral character. Due to the fact, modern society is polluted for want of proper guidance from the parents and the government. Our children are also being polluted with uneven education system prevailing in our country late alone the street children.