October 18, 2024

Prime Electrolite

Transforming Health

Sex Tips for Camping Trips and Penis Health

Sex Tips for Camping Trips and Penis Health

Summertime is the season when millions of people decide to “rough it” in the wilds of Nature – or at least a good state or national park. Many couples find that the fresh air adds a new level to their friskiness – which is good both for a guy’s penis health (use it or lose it, after all) and the couple’s sexual health. But a few helpful sex tips may be in order to make the camping bed-downs even more pleasurable.

A few sex tips for camping

– Pick the right tent. Experienced campers know this, but for the novices out there: tents are much smaller than their labeling leads one to believe. A “two-person” tent usually is just big enough for two people to lie side by side, with absolutely no extra room. It’s possible to have lovely sex in such circumstances, but – especially for the more sexually gymnastic – selecting a bigger tent is the way to go.

– Bring an air mattress. Many movies make sex on a forest floor look primal and exciting, but the truth is that rocks and roots can cause a bit of discomfort, especially for whoever is on bottom. Having an air mattress (or two) not only makes sleeping more comfortable- it makes activities preceding sleeping much more enjoyable.

– Remember the silhouettes. Lanterns and flashlights are necessities when camping – but couples may want to turn them off when they start getting active. Unless, of course, they want their neighbors to observe their sexual technique via the moves their silhouettes make on the tent walls.

– Opt for sheets. Most men tend to work up a bit of a sweat during sex, especially if the weather is hot and muggy. Rather than getting a sleeping bag all soggy, bring along some sheets and place them over the sleeping bags and air mattresses to absorb excess fluids and odors. Then hang the sheets outside the tent to dry overnight.

– Use a condom. Even if a couple has been together a long time and no longer need to use any condoms, most sex tips experts would agree that condoms and camping go together. There’s less likelihood of semen leaking out onto that expensive sleeping bag.

– Don’t forget wet wipes and baggies. Tents are very enclosed spaces, and during hot weather, they can really emphasize odors. Having wet wipes handy to wipe off sweaty, fluid-laced areas of the body can help keep the air in the tent fresh. After wiping, put the used towelettes (and condoms) in a handy baggie, and leave the baggie outside the tent. (And remember to take it to the trash in the morning.)

– Consider the neighbors. The thin fabric walls of a tent are not exactly the latest word in soundproofing – so unless a couple is in a truly secluded spot, or unless they don’t mind smirks and glares from fellow campers, they need to keep the noise to a minimum. It’s probably not a bad idea to bring along some quiet music to play to help cover up some of the sounds that go with intense lovemaking.

The above sex tips can help make a camping trip into a romantic bonding experience. To be properly prepared, a man wants to make sure his own tent pole is in good shape, so he should regularly use a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Since keeping odors to a minimum in the enclosed tent space is desirable, he should select a crème with vitamin A. Also known as retinol, vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties that can help prevent unwanted regular penis odor. The best crème will also include vitamin B5, aka pantothenic acid, which is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.